Address Duca degli Abruzzi 24 10129, Torino, Italy

Contact Information

Call: +39 348 744 0663


Mr. Rasoul Sadeghi Yamchi

ESR in Politecnico di Torino

Early-Stage Researcher 1

Title: Widebandwidth multi-layer orchestration of optical networks
Overview:The PhD program will aim at implementing the paradigm of multilayer orchestration of optical networks when deploying a transmission bandwidth exceeding the C-band. This program will evolve in strict interaction with the other ESRs of PoliTO within the project, and will take advantage of – and give the steering to – advances in analytical transmission modelling.

  1. 2012-2014


    Islamic Azad University
  2. 2009-2011


    Tarbiat Moalem Sabzevar University