Introduction Workshop
18-19 November 2019, Munich Germany

The first network-wide training event WON Introduction Workshop took place on 18th-19th November 2019 in Infinera premises in Munich. The main goal was to let ESRs to get to know each other better, to discuss research topics within the project and exchange ideas on how to achieve the best results. The two training days were also composed of scientific/training content with the aim of getting ESRs up to speed with technology and specific research tasks within each work package in WON.
The following ten research fellows attended the Introduction Workshop:
ESR1 Rasoul Yamchi – PoliTO
ESR2 Thyago Monteiro – DTU
ESR5 Elliot London – PoliTO
ESR6 Gabriele Di Rosa – VPIphotonics
ESR9 Yu Wang – Eindhoven University of Technology
ESR10 Rafael Kraemer – Eindhoven University of Technology
ESR11 Aleksandr Donodin – Aston University
ESR12 Matheus Sena – Fraunhofer HHI
ESR13 Yaonian Cui – Fraunhofer HHI
ESR14 Emadreza Soltanian – University Ghent
ESRs presented talks about themselves and their scientific background. They all made short statements about their research projects in WON and the main targets they have for the upcoming year.
WON Coordinators, WP leaders and supervisors facilitated free discussion and helped ESRs to define and see a clear synergy between individual research projects, Work Packages and scientific deliverable in WON.
The WON Project Manager made an overview of the project with emphasis on the compliance with the Grant Agreement, stressing the key elements such as:
- Project timeline;
- Schedule of the network-wide training events;
- Secondment Programme;
- Plans that the Consortium should achieve in dissemination and outreach activities and etc.
Recently recruited ESRs from the project EID REAL-NET joined some of the sessions of the Workshop.