“Ultra-wideband Optical Fibre Communication Systems” (UWB)
The WON Coordinators Prof Wladek Forysiak and Dr Antonio Napoli together with colleagues, Dr Leily Sehar Kiani, from Lawrence Livermore Laboratory (LLNL), USA and Dr Maria Ionescu from Nokia Bell Laboratories, France, will act as co-chairs to organise a topic area in “Ultra-wideband optical fibre communication systems” at the IEEE Summer Topical Meeting Series 2021.
About IEEE Summer Topical Meeting Series
The IEEE Summer Topicals Meeting Series serves as an international forum to facilitate information exchange between various technical communities using or affected by rapidly growing areas of technology or “Hot Topics” related to the general field of Photonics. This intimate environment provides the opportunity to learn about emerging fields and to interact with the research and technology leaders. Historically, the conference hosts 4-7 individual topics and attracts 200+ participants with 30-50 participants attending each topic.
Ultra-wideband optical fibre communication systems
Topic description:
Ultra-wideband (UWB) optical fibre communication systems have emerged in recent years as a major topic in the field with the potential to address the near-to-mid-term capacity increase requirements in optical networking. Systems based on UWB technology are potentially attractive because they leverage the massive investment in the single mode optical fibre plant already deployed in millions of km worldwide, by making as much as possible use of the low loss transmission window of optical fibre (~1300-1600nm). This topic area seeks to gather together key researchers and stakeholders with interests in UWB optical fibre communications from around the world to explore the current state-of-the-art in UWB component technologies, sub-systems, architectures, and systems.
WON Speakers
Monday 19 July 2021
ME1 – Optical Networks
Chaired by: Wladek Forysiak (United Kingdom)
- 9am
ME1.1 (Invited) – Opportunities for ultra wide-band optical networking for international carriers
Presenter: Andrew Lord, BT Group United Kingdom - 9:30am
ME1.2 (Invited) – Towards Multi-Band WDM Systems with Hundreds of Terabit/s Transported on a Single-Mode Fiber
Presenter: Erwan Pincemin, Orange Labs
ME2 – Transmission Systems I
Chaired by: Wladek Forysiak (United Kingdom)
- 11am
ME2.1 (Invited) – Perspectives of Optical Transmitters for Multi-Band Transmission Systems
Presenter: Johannes Fischer, HHI
Tuesday 20 July 2021
TuE1 – System Modelling and Networking I
Chaired by: Maria Ionescu (France)
- 9am
TuE1.1 (Invited) – Challenges in transmission modeling for multi-band optical networking
Presenter: Vittorio Curri, PoliTO - 9:30am
TuE1.2 (invited) – Modeling aspects when designing wideband transmission systems
Presenter: Andre Richter, VPIphotonics
TuE2 – Fibres, Amplifiers, and Devices II
- 12pm
TuE2.3 (Invited) – Photonic integrated WDM switches and filters for ultra-wideband (O to L) optical networks
Presenter: Nicola Calabretta, TU/e
Wednesday 21 July 2021
WE2 – System Modelling and Networking II
- 11am
WE2.1 (Invited) – Comparison of Cost-effective Solutions to Increase the Capacity of Regional Optical Transport Networks
Presenter: Nelson Costa, Infinera Portugal
- 12pm
WE2.3 – Multiband Power Control Impact on the Transmission Capacity of Optical Line Systems
Presenter: Bruno Correia, PotiTO
- 12:15pm
WE2.4 – C+L-band Network Upgrade: Capacity and Energy Analyses with Different Transceivers
Presenter: Rasoul Sadegh, PoliTO